mental health on life

Surviving another day

Honestly, I’ve had a very long and exhausting six (6) plus years, filled with shame and pain and regret and discomfort and suicidal thoughts and self disrespect. Hi Asher’s, my manners. I know, it’s been seven hours or eight, since my last post and five days since the last before the last, LOL, it’s the […]

mental health on life

What to do when you feel an anxiety spike

Hi Asher’s, I’ve decided that I’m going to start calling you all Asher’s – because I like the name. So, Hi Asher’s, hope your day wasn’t as exhausting as mine was, I could literally feel the bones of my exhaustion, literally. So in light of what today is said to hold, that’s #worldmentalhealthday, I would […]

first step to growing up

What’s happening…

My life keeps going round, in reverse. Now, I see it, I’m not stuck, I’m going backwards, it’s like, I’m intentionally fixing myself at the spot. so take this, You are in control of your thoughts and your thoughts process

first step to growing up

Carrying a relationship is two heads job: You and …

Relationship is two people coming together with the joint decision to travel a road together. Primarily, a journey is suppose to be fun and fun filled If having fun becomes or begins to feel like a chore, then you are not on the right road. That relationship could be with the right person but the […]

first step to growing up

A title for this post is pointless

Feeling Despicable Is An Emotion… let’s start there. You know that point you get to when you’re always in a depressing state, like your soul is soaked in deep shit, you start to think nothing matters. But it’s not that you think that you don’t matter, it’s everyone else. Like you’ve gotten to that point […]